
Friday, July 19, 2019

The Weekend Roundup - C

The assignment for this week is: Starts with C, Favorite, and Calm.

Starts with C: This young lady is the Ken Lance Rodeo Queen and she is wearing CHAPS to prove it.

Favorite: This is an American COOT.

Calm: The CALM before the storm. Also, CLOUDS. :)

Just Because: This CATFISH isn't real, but he is a CATFISH nonetheless.

And Finally: Living in ranch COUNTRY like I do, what C post would be COMPLETE without a COW!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup


  1. Oh Betty, I love the cows sitting in this beautiful filed of wild flowers. Lovely Coot shot. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and week ahead.

  2. Nice series, I like the catfish and: I see, you habe red-brown cows there. In Germany we had only black and white cows for five decades... only in last years the red cows are coming back, remember them from my earlier childhood.
    Enjoy your weekend

  3. Hello, great series. I like the catfish. Enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  4. ...a GREAT 'C'ollection of 'C's Mrs. 'C'row! Lots to Crow' 'about here, thanks and I hope things are working out OK the you folks.

  5. The calm before the storm is my favourite.

  6. I thought that chaps were not stylish, only functional. Those on the Rodeo Queen are nicely adorned! The coot is a great looking bird while the midwest sky looks menacing! The catfish isn’t attractive but when filleted nicely can be delicious when fried. A cow makes for a perfect ‘C’!

  7. Love, the calm before the storm, there's something about those clouds...

    All the best Jan

  8. I too like for there to be cows, where I grew up or here in Texas now. I like the CATFISH. I will agree it is a catfish if you will agree it is a FAKE CATFISH. Nice post full of "C's". We haven't been to a parade for over a year.
