
Friday, January 25, 2019

The Weekend Roundup - D

Today's assignment: Starts with D, Favorite, and Down.

Starts with D: DUCKS and DUSK starts with D. One of the first shots taken with my Christmas present. It wasn't a great pic since the ducks are out of focus, but liked the setting sun reflecting off the water. Otherwise it would have been deleted.

A Favorite: Well, this DOG has to be my favorite shot of the week. Gus likes to run free when I walk down to fill the DEER feeder.

Down: This statue of champion hillclimber and dirt racer Joe Petroli in Sturgis, South Dakota depicts him laying DOWN on his motorcycle.

Just because: Loving this picture taken at DAWN.

And Finally: DIGNITY is an impressive statute overlooking the Missouri River at a rest area near Chamberlain, South Dakota.

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday Critters

The turkeys were out in force.

Black Vultures

Socks the Mule

 Den wasn't happy with me. He came over to the fence for his carrot. Sadly, I forgot to bring them, so he gave me this view.

Linking to Saturday Critters

Friday, January 18, 2019

Weekend Roundup - C

Today's assignment is: Starts with C, Favorite, and Candy.

Starts with C: COWS starts with C. This pic was taken early in the morning with a little fog remaining in low lying areas. It's winter, so the COWS watch for the food truck to show up. I think they were hopeful I had snacks. There sure was a lot of mooing going on.

Favorite: On down the road, I found this COW. I believe he is Gene Simmons' doppelganger.  

Candy: This was the snack table at Christmas. Lots of homemade goodies, including CANDY. My favorite was the divinity.

Just Because: These jockeys are urging their mounts to run faster by using a rider's CROP. 

And Finally: My son brought wine to serve with our Thanksgiving dinner. It's a CALIFORNIA wine called CONUNDRUM. Very tasty. Sadly, I can't find it in our area.

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Bird D-pot

We had some really great weather last week, so I took advantage and went for multiple back-road-rambles. 

This cardinal thought he was hiding in the branches of this prickly tree, but I got him anyway. 

After running errands the next day, I took the long way home and was rewarded with this red-shouldered hawk. He posed for a long time.

But the cherry on top of the cake was this Eagle. It isn't a great picture, but it is a picture. I first saw the female or juvenile in a tree beside the road, but it flew and landed in this tree farther from the road. It was then I saw the eagle. I slammed on the brakes and grabbed my camera. (I may need new tires soon) I was as excited as if I had won the lottery, well, maybe not that excited, but pretty darn excited. Bucket List: Capture an Eagle on camera. Check! 
Does anyone know if the other bird is a female or a juvenile?

Linking to The Bird D-Pot

Saturday Critters

We had some really nice days this past week. This cow was enjoying the warm day.

A few days ago Gus happened to be watching for critters from the living room window and saw this fella running through the neighbors hay field. He started barking his mean bark, so I had to grab my camera to see what he found so offensive. It turned out to be a lone feral hog. This is the first one I've seen here. Sure hope they don't move into our area. They are destructive critters.

On one of my back road rambles, I saw this deer crossing the road in front of me. She stopped to assuage her curiosity so I tried to get a picture. This is the best I could do with all the brush and saplings between us.

I can't pass by this ranch without stopping to take pictures of the horses. They are beautiful. The ranch is owned by our local celebrity who was on a season of The Amazing Race with his brother.

Linking to Saturday Critters

Friday, January 11, 2019

Weekend Roundup - B

This week's prompts: Starts with B, Favorite, and Blue.

Starts with B. BRIDLE starts with B. I like the longhorn on this one. There is a better picture of the BRIDLE in the picture below.

Favorite: This is a mule named Little Socks. He was all saddled up and ready to go for a ride with his BRIGHT BLUE Reins.

Blue: There is nothing BLUER than an Easter BLUE BIRD.

Just Because: I saw these BRAHMAN Cattle alongside the road, but I was a passenger and didn't make the driver stop, so only took a drive by shot.

And Finally: An old abandoned BOAT. 

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Friday, January 4, 2019

Weekend Roundup - Back to A

This week's assigment: Starts with A, Favorite, and Apple.

Starts with A: ANGEL starts with A. 

Favorite: One of my favorite birds is the AMERICAN Kestral.

Apple: Every Thanksgiving dinner requires at least one homemade APPLE pie. It's tradition.

Linking to The Weekend Roundup