
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Oklahoma National Memorial - Part III

Timothy McVeigh was stopped by the Oklahoma State Patrol as he traveled north on I35. The officer stopped McVeigh because his car didn't have a license plate. This is the getaway car.

After the officer noticed a bulge in his jacket, McVeigh admitted he had a gun. He was arrested for no license plates and possession of a firearm, which was not legal at the time. At the time of the arrest, he was wearing a t-shirt with a picture of Abraham Lincoln and the words sic semper tyrannis, which means 'thus always for tyrants'. These are the words supposedly shouted by John Wilkes Booth after he shot President Lincoln. On the back of the t-shirts was the picture of a tree and three droplets of blood. Also printed on the back were the words of Thomas Jefferson 'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants'.

McVeigh's driver's license.

The tickets issued.

Weapons McVeigh had with him.

In his possession:

In 1999 McVeigh was moved to the Federal Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.

His last meal consisted of 2 pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream. A Catholic priest performed last rites.

McVeigh was put to death on June 11, 2001.


  1. ...what a sad time in American history.

  2. Generally speaking I don't agree with the death penalty, but he's an exception.
