
Sunday, May 22, 2022

Weekend Roundup - T

 This week's assignment: Starts with T, Favorite, and Tall.

Starts with T: TEXAS begins with T. This was spring break with three of my favorite people. We took a drive down to Whataburger for lunch.

Favorite: This pic shows Whiskey's beautiful, long TAIL.

Tall: This art deco hotel in downtown Hot Springs, AR is TALL.


As are these TALL buildings in downtown Dallas. Picture taken from the top of Reunion Tower. 

Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

Linking to: The Weekend Roundup 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Weekend Roundup - S

 This week's assignment: Starts with S, Favorite, and Silhouette. 

Starts with S: This garden SPIDER was busy SCOPING out a place to build its web. They look SCARY, but they're good SPIDERS.

Favorite: This is Hubby SADDLED up and ready to ride. 

Silhouette: This is a picture of Jube taken last SUMMER, before he was SOLD. The SUN is behind him, thus I decided this was close enough to being a SILHOUETTE. 

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Weekend Roundup- R

 This week's assignment: Starts with R, Favorite, and Roof.

Starts with R: RAIN starts with R. These poor horses are soaked. I'm not sure why they are standing in front of the house when their loafing shed is a mere 30 yards in front of them. Guess they wanted me to know they were miserable.

Favorite: This is Whiskey, who was sold last year. He was RUNNING down toward the feed truck.

Roof: I took this picture from my seat at Oaklawn Racetrack. Off in the distance is the Hot Springs Mountain Tower.

We rode up to the top of the tower. Below are the ROOFS of several buildings along the main street. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Weekend Roundup - Q

 This week's assignment: Starts with Q, Favorite, and Quarter.

Starts with Q: Northern Bobwhite QUAIL fits the bill. Mr. and Mrs. were walking down the road, so snapped a shot through the windshield.

Favorite: Guess what? Even though it wasn't an easy task, I found a way to put a horse in a Q post. :) Note the QUIRT laying across the jockey's lap. 

Quarter: The lovely margarita has a QUARTER missing. Hmm.      Wonder where it went?                                                                         

Linking to The Weekend Roundup