
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Weekend Roundup - I

Today's assignment: Starts with I, Favorite, and Insect.

Starts with I: INDIAN starts with I. This old guy has been hanging around a friend's house for several years. He's a lot nicer than he looks.

Favorite: This is my favorite peach picker, IKE.

Insect: I think a dragonfly is considered an INSECT. We have tons of them around here. There is a pond at the edge of our lawn. They keep the mosquito population down. So much, in fact, I rarely ever see one of those pesky little blood suckers. :)

Have a great weekend!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Saturday Critters - Deer

I tried to get a pic of this fawn staring at me, but by the time I got the camera turned on, it was off like a shot!

Linking to Saturday Critters


Friday, August 20, 2021

Weekend Roundup - H

Before I get started on this post, I will update you on Blackthorne Cove, the novel you will see listed to the right. I have a lot more sales than I ever imagined and the reviews are about to give me the Big HEAD. I am very HAPPY! Now on to today's business ...

This week's assignment: Starts with H, Favorite, and Half.

Well, I must admit, this is my week. I get to post a HORSE for every category. So here goes:

Starts with H: Meet Reba. She is a red roan. You couldn't ask for a better HORSE to ride.

Of course, there are other things that start with H, like HAY for instance. HAYING season is nearing an end, but these round bales were still in the field.

Favorite: This is a favorite little, although she isn't so little anymore. She is the cover model for a book of short stories I wrote about my life.  It's titled My Life in Shorts. This is how I dressed as a teenager. Cut offs were a thing back then. Anyway, loving the HAT! Sadly, I came along as HATS were going out of style. 

Of course, HORSES are another favorite of mine. Meet Kemosabe. Mr. HANDSOME.

Half: HALF a HORSE is better than no HORSE at all. :)

HAPPY weekend!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Saturday Critters and The Bird D-Pot

 Okay, so I'm procrastinating. Instead of working on rewrites for my next novel, I'm checking blogs. But, you see, I found these cute little hummingbirds, then a bluebird having a bath, and this cardinal in the evening light. So, thought I would share. 

Happy Sunday!!

Linking to The Bird D-Pot and Saturday Critters

Friday, August 13, 2021

Weekend Roundup - G

 This week's assignment is Starts with G, Favorite, and Great.

Starts with G:  GUITAR starts with G. This is my front porch welcome. Of course, I don't normally leave my Fender out there. It's only posing for the picture.

Favorite: This is my favorite GUY walking beside a GATE, while being followed by GENERAL. 

Great: I think a GREAT egret fits the bill. 

Have a GREAT weekend!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Blackthorne Cove

 I've been busy over the past year rewriting a novel I finished in 2005. Life got in the way, and it lay dormant in my computer until a computer crash killed the last half. Fortunately, I saved part of it on an external hard drive, but didn't bother doing the same with the rest of it. Thus the rewriting. Now I save my work on the cloud, OneDrive, external hard drive, SD card, a laptop, and this computer. Not taking any chances. I learned my lesson well. :)

Anyway, I finally finished the book. It is available in both paperback and Kindle editions, on Amazon. The link is below if you have any interest in reading it. 

Blackthorne Cove

This is my first full length novel. Over the years I have written 200+ short stories, of which several have been published. I am currently working on another novel tentatively titled He Watches.

The Bird D'Pot

I'm not sure what kind of bird this is. Possibly a Black-headed Grosbeak? Looking for confirmation or correction. This picture was taken in May of this year.  

Great-crested Flycatcher high up in a dead tree. 

Indigo Bunting

Happy Sunday!

Linking to The Bird D-Pot

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Saturday Critters

Mama chicken and her babies. 

Horse catching up on all the gossip across the fence.

Whiskey. My favorite horse to photograph. He enjoys carrots and apples.

Happy Weekend!

Linking to Saturday Critters

Friday, August 6, 2021

Weekend Roundup - F

The assignment this week is: Starts with F, Favorite, and Flag.

Starts with F: To celebrate the release of my very first full length novel, Hubby took me to Tishomingo a.k.a. Tish. We had lunch at Blake Shelton's establishment, Ole Red. This is a mural on the window of The Dog House, which is his music venue. It's a picture of Blake's FARM truck. I'm sure in reality, his is a bit newer, but I do like this style. 

Favorite: I tried to come up with a way to have a horse in my favorite category, but wanted it to begin with F. FILLY begins with F and this is a lovely little lady.

FlagI took a picture of these FLAGS last summer when we made our annual pilgrimage to Wyoming. Our FAVORITE state. We would move there except for the cold winters. 
Happy Weekend!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup 

Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Bird D'Pot

Birds are scarce right now, but did find this blue heron and great egret on a fishing expedition.

Linking to The Bird D-Pot 

Saturday Critters - Deer

 Early morning visitor. Bath time. 

Linking to Saturday Critters