
Monday, February 5, 2018

Belted Kingfisher

2/5/18 Monday

I happened to a spot of blue in a tree alongside one of the back roads. I zoomed in to find a female belted kingfisher. She had her back to me, so I whistled...

...and she turned around.

There is a pond by a house down the road from us. There were several mallards enjoying a swim.


  1. The belted kingfisher is so cute with that scrappy top dressing.
    Love the photos. And it was brilliant of you to get her attention by whistling.

  2. Now there's a real talent - Kingfisher Whistler! I think that even beats being a Horse Whisperer!

  3. What a fantastic response to your whistle! And such a wonderful bird!

  4. Nice work Betty. I use that trick too, a whistle or say a word or two.
