
Friday, June 2, 2023

The Weekend Roundup - V

 I haven't participated in The Weekend Roundup in a long time. Here are my excuses: I've been doing a lot of writing, our internet sucks, life gets busy, and sometimes even hurts. Whatever the reason, I miss playing along, so decided to try my luck.

This week's assignment: Starts with V, favorite, and Violet. So here goes: 

Starts with V: Vultures. These two were fighting over a roadkill delicacy. 

Favorite: My love of horses continues. This is one of my favorite pastimes—horse races. The number 2 horse is on his way to VICTORY, but his win gave me a dollar loss.

Violet: In reality, this is lavender, but sure looks VIOLET to me. :)

Linking to The Weekend Roundup


  1. ...VULTURES may done be pretty creatures, but the world would a mess without them! racing can be a winning and losing affair.
    ...lavender looks VIOLET to me too.
    Thanks Betty for coming to the party.

    1. Oops, it wasn't children's books. "Write faster!!"
      At NASA Houston, when and after a space flight our company had to write of the happenings during the night and day before, I worked with the Flight Control group that they show on TV.

  2. Betty, those vultures will have food here until who.knows when!! I would hate to have hit that with my car.
    If I do this again I'll use my vulture picture. I think it was seven or eleven in the ditch eating a young deer.
    I think I remember that you write children's books. Like my boss at NASA used to walk through our room, "Write faster!" We hoped that he was joking.

  3. gorgeous purple. happy weekend. thank you so kindly for the visit and comment. rainy here in VA. take care. always fun to have visits from bloggy friends. ( ;
