
Friday, October 5, 2018

Weekend Roundup - N

This weeks prompts are Starts with N, Favorite, and Near.

Starts with N: NECK starts with N and this buck is stretching his NECK to reach a tasty leaf.

Favorite: This is Gus. He is taking a NAP.

Near: In order to feed carrots to the horses, one must have their fingers NEAR those big teeth.

Just Because:  This NEON sign is on the wall of Ole Red in Tishomingo, OK. Blake Shelton's bar/grill.

And Finally: An N post wouldn't be complete with a NOSE picture. This is Gus resting in an odd position while we were traveling.

Linking to The Weekend Roundup  


  1. Gus looks sooo peaceful sleeping away. Nice picture, Betty. The deer picture is great too. Nice use of the "N" words.

  2. Cute critters, I like the sleeping dogs and horses. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Lovely post well done. Take care,Diane

  4. I love all these animals! Gus is sleeping as well as any pet out there. We had a couple of deer passing through our suburban yard yesterday - they look nice but I'm happy they left...the horse is magnificent! Blake's bar looks like a fun watering hole!

  5. ...what a trophy!
    ...I've heard of cat 'N'aps, 'N'ow dog 'N'aps.
    ...I don't want my fingers 'N'ear my table saw or those teeth. 'N'eon, it's a gas.
    ...a photo finish by a 'N'ose.
    Thanks Betty, I hope to see you again.

  6. Hi Betty,
    I like all your shots this week, especially the first one, the deer is beautiful! I'm trying to catch up, I was a little late with "N" week, but I also used horses for my "near" word. Looking forward to letter "O"
