
Friday, October 13, 2023

Weekend Roundup- O

 This week's prompts: Starts with O, A Favorite, and One.

Starts with O: OLD starts with O. I've been taking pictures of this old house since we moved to OKLAHOMA. I don't think it will last through another storm. OH, and look! Horses! :)

Favorite: We enjoy going to the races, especially in Hot Springs, AR. It's always exciting when my dollar bet is about to win. 

: And then there was ONE. This is the last hummingbird and haven't seen her in three days, so I guess that's the last of them until spring. I'm leaving my feeder up until the end of OCTOBER. There might be a late migrator in need of a drink.


Linking to The Weekend Roundup 


  1. ...yep, it's OLD and OPEN air!
    ...when your dollar bet is about to win? OR Wins?
    ...OUR hummingbirds have gone ON their winter vacation.

  2. How can I tell, Betty, that you like horses. I have two ponies housed in my garage, 1998 and 1974 Ford Mustangs. I formerly owned a yellow 1972 Pinto pony also. Good food for my "P" post next week. I hope you keep those horses out of that old house, it could fall on them? We have migratory birds and butterflies here in the Houston area. Our Muscovy ducks don't migrate, our favorite is nesting now over a bunch of eggs. I saw her this afternoon, a couple of her former chicks, now almost grown, were visiting her in the neighbor's lawn.

  3. That is a gorgeous shot of the Hummingbird You must miss them in the winter Betty. I hope you have a lovely week ahead
