
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saturday Critters

It was a gloomy day, so in order to eradicate boredom, Gus and I went for a back road ramble. 

Our first stop was to snap a pic of that stately steed. Gus was busy barking at him and he was busy staring Gus down.

On the return trip, I saw what could have been a tree limb shaped like a squirrel, but in actuality is was a squirrel...

A rather strange looking squirrel. I have never seen one with a white and black ring on its tail. An anomaly?

Linking to Saturday Critters

Friday, November 9, 2018

The Weekend Roundup - S

Today's Prompts: Starts with S, Favorite, and Shimmering.

Starts with S: SMOKE. This pic was taken in the SPRING. I look SOUTH and saw SMOKE. It's a SCARY SIGHT in these parts, but fortunately it was a controlled burn of a brush pile and didn't SPREAD.

Favorite: I sure do enjoy seeing a beautiful SUNSET. This one really caught my eye, so had to grab my camera.

Shimmering: Another pic from the SPRING. This egret was reflected in the SHIMMERING water.

Just Because: Again a picture from the SPRING. We went to SURREY Hills Farm to an auction. We didn't buy anything, but I enjoyed watching those who did.

And Finally: A SNAKE. He was crossing the road as I was driving by. I STOPPED, leaned out the window, and got a pic. Non-poisonous variety. STILL SCARY.

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Willy Nilly Friday Five

This is one of the back roads I like to ramble down. This one has stretches of good gravel, whereas most are more like the red dirt roads mentioned in a Brooks and Dunn song. This is the reason I am now driving a truck instead of a car. Birds have been scarce, so I have been looking for fall color.

This red color is courtesy of a sumac tree/bush. I never know what to call them. 

This nicely colored tree is located across the hay field from my kitchen window.

Below are horses that belong to our famous neighbor. I never heard of him, but those avid watchers of The Amazing Race might recognize his name and that of his brother. They were rodeo cowboys and played the game together.

Before coming here to visit our friends, I had only passed through Oklahoma on a highway in the eastern side. I didn't realize there were so many hills. It sure is beautiful. I miss having orange grass around us this year. I liked taking pictures with the random orange color. A second hay cutting kept it low to the ground this winter.
That's my five. This is country all around where I now live. I truly do live in the middle-of-nowhere and I love it!

Linking to Willy Nilly Friday Five

Friday, November 2, 2018

Pumpkin Carving Party

1. Last weekend we were invited to a Pumpkin Carving Party at a friend's house. I enjoyed the flower garden decor.

2. I got to meet a new pup. His name is JoJo. He is a city dog and kept trying to go explore the hay field across the road. This random exploring caused him to be captured and incarcerated inside the fenced yard.

3. In lieu of a hay ride, this year the kids got to have a ride on Bonnie. This little lady is being led by her great grandpa...

...and this little lady by her dad.

4. Then it was dad's turn. City boy's first time on a horse. He was led by his friend. 

5. After pumpkin carving, food, and fun, it was time for the adults to relax in front of a fire with a brew or two. 

Linking to Willy Nilly Friday Five

Weekend Roundup - R

This week's prompts: Starts with R, Favorite, and Red.

Starts with R: RIDER starts with R. This little RIDER enjoyed an assisted RIDE around the yard on Bonnie. 

Favorite: I do love birds. Especially hawks. I stopped in the middle of a county highway to get a shot of this RED-shouldered hawk. Good thing there wasn't any traffic. I was surprised he allowed me to get out of the truck without flying away. 

Red: My new-to-me RED RIDE. I planned to get a car for my back road rambles, but after seeing the rough back roads around here,  I decided a truck would be a better option. We bought it from an estate sale in Texas. It now sports Oklahoma tags.

Just Because: This is one of the ROADS I like to drive down to look for birds and other critters. I often see deer crossing in this area.

When taking the picture of the ROAD, I spotted this lonely ROUND bail peeking through the trees.

And Finally: REMINGTON Park in Oklahoma City is celebrating its 30 year anniversary. I hope to go again before the season ends. 

Linking to The Weekend Roundup