
Friday, June 14, 2024

Weekend Roundup - X

 Why did I decide to post today when the prompt is X? The prompts are: Has an X, Favorite, and Looks Like an X. I don't have anything with an actual X, so I'll be cheating. Hey, but I'm actually posting on Friday. :)

Has an X: It doesn't quite have an X, but the small branches form one, so maybe will work. Wood Duck.

Favorite: I know, it's shocking but I'm not posting a horse in my favorite slot. Instead, I give you this awesome bull. He looks nice, but I still liked having a fence between us.

Looks Like an X: Mr. and Mrs. House Fince formed an X while waiting for other birds to vacate the feeder.

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Weekend Roundup - S

This week's assignment: Starts with S, Favorite, and Stop.

Starts with S: My favorite season, SPRING, starts with S. 

Favorite: You know what's coming, don't you? That's right, a horse. This is SONNIE and Reba enjoying their hay on a foggy morning. SONNIE is the Lineback Dun. Reba is the Red Roan.


There isn't an actual STOP SIGN, but there is a SIGN that says "Do Not Enter When Flooded," which essentially means stop. There is another SIGN saying "Turn Around, Don't Drown," but I didn't take a picture of it. We've been experiencing torrential rain, and this is the result. There is a small lake to the right, but normally you can't see it until you go down the hill. Sadly, the water level was up to where the road starts to slope downward. You can see the road going uphill on the other side of the water.

Hope everyone is safe from the storm. Linking to:

The Weekend Roundup

Friday, October 13, 2023

Weekend Roundup- O

 This week's prompts: Starts with O, A Favorite, and One.

Starts with O: OLD starts with O. I've been taking pictures of this old house since we moved to OKLAHOMA. I don't think it will last through another storm. OH, and look! Horses! :)

Favorite: We enjoy going to the races, especially in Hot Springs, AR. It's always exciting when my dollar bet is about to win. 

: And then there was ONE. This is the last hummingbird and haven't seen her in three days, so I guess that's the last of them until spring. I'm leaving my feeder up until the end of OCTOBER. There might be a late migrator in need of a drink.


Linking to The Weekend Roundup 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Weekend Roundup - H

 This week's assignment: Starts with H, Favorite, and Hot.

Starts with H: My love of HORSES is well known and since HORSE begins with H, I'm expected to post pictures of HORSES. Right? Surprise! Here's a ruby-throated HUMMINGBIRD

Okay, couldn't do it. This little filly is a beautiful HORSE. :)

Favorite: This is Bonnie, a.k.a. Beautiful Bonnie, one of my favorite HORSES

Hot: We have been experiencing a lot of HOT weather lately, so Bonnie and Reba decided to go for a swim. HOT HORSES enjoy rolling in the pond.

Have a wonderful week ahead!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Friday, August 18, 2023

Weekend Roundup - G

 This week's assignment: Starts with G, Favorite, and Great.

Starts with G: GUITAR starts with G, even odd GUITARS made from old license plates.

Favorite: Meet Cinnamon. He is a GRULLA or GRULLO, also called blue dun, GRAY dun or mouse dun. GRULLA is a color of horses in the dun family, characterized by tan-GRAY or mouse-colored hairs on the body. 

Great: This is a five-generation picture. On the bottom left is my GREAT-GRANDMOTHER and on the bottom right is my GRANDMOTHER. On the back row is an aunt and a first cousin. In the middle is my second cousin. Love these old pics.

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Weekend Roundup - F

 This week's assignment is Starts with F, Favorite, and Fresh.

Starts with F: FLOWERS start with F. This is a variety of ditch FLOWERS I saw during one of our backroad rambles. 

Favorite: Mama left her FOAL alone when the rancher poured FOOD into the trough. She kept a close eye on him though. 

Fresh: This is my tall grandson picking peaches from the tree in the backyard. FRESH FRUIT. Yum!

Linking to The Weekend Roundup

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Weekend Roundup - E

 This week's assignment: Starts with E, Favorite, and Early.

Starts with E: I'm sure I've posted this picture before, but it's my all-time favorite EAGLE pic!

Favorite: Shock! No horse today. Instead I'm posting a picture of a mule named Eddie. He's quite a handsome fella.

Early: EARLY morning on the farm.

Linking to The Weekend Roundup